

Am I able to forgive? A question many of us have had to confront in the course of our lives. Forgiveness is a foundational element of the Christian faith. “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,” reads a line of the Lord’s Prayer. But does forgiveness have limits? Are there calamities, atrocities, or crimes that are unforgivable? And does forgiveness and guilt necessarily stand in a direct relationship? Regardless of the events that stand behind a resolution to forgive, it is a challenge, a long and perhaps never-ending path. A struggle between emotion and reason, one that is never simple or straightforward. But why is it so important to work our way through this struggle? Why is it important to extend forgiveness? In our film, we accompany to families who have lost loved ones through a harsh stroke of fate. Once they had passed through the state of shock, had coped with grief and sorrow, they were confronted with the question of guilt. Can you forgive someone who has robbed you of a loved one? Am I capable of forgiving myself for a mistake that may have had terrible consequences? “Unforgivable” shows how profound the challenge of forgiveness can be, but at the same time highlights the importance of forgiveness for all involved.

Buch / Regie

Julia Zinke


2020, WDR, eine Lona•media Produktion

45 min.