Manager, Director, Producer

After studying German, Theatre Studies and Philosophy in Munich and Paris, she completed a Master of Arts in Theatre Studies in London. Freelance work for the London studio of ZDF and NDR. Back in Germany, she did a traineeship at NDR in Hamburg and then worked for several years as an editor and reporter for NDR television (culture magazines, early evening programmes and the satirical programme extra drei).  

In 2002 she founded the film production company Lona-media with Susanne Brand (until 2023). From 2001-2005 also director of her own art space plan b in Hamburg, a forum for exhibitions of contemporary art. 2003-2006 Moderation of the 90-minute live talk show Westart am Sonntag on WDR television.

2023 Founded the limited company Graef Screen Productions. In addition to the production of documentary projects, the development of fictional material was added. Kick-off: the 6-part series "Schwerelos" about the first German space travellers Ulf Merbold and Sigmund Jähn. For many years, she has continued to work as a freelance curator (including FEELINGS at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, 2019), moderator and author in the field of art.